Frequently Asked Questions

Have Any Question? We're here to help.

  • What is Chaties and AI Virtual Persona?

    Chaties are like friendly, smart chat buddies that you can talk to on your phone or computer. They're not real people; they're virtual characters powered by advanced AI technology. These characters can be based on historical figures, famous personalities, or even fictional characters from books or movies. The AI gathers information from the past to make these chaties feel real and have engaging conversations with you. But remember, they're not real individuals; they exist purely for fun and learning purposes.

  • Why should I use Chatie?

    Chatie offers endless entertainment and fun for users looking to connect with virtual characters and have engaging conversations. With a wide range of Chaties to choose from, each with their own unique personalities and interests, you'll never run out of things to talk about. Plus, Chatie supports multiple regional languages, so you can chat in your native tongue no matter where you are.

  • Is there a limit to how many Chaties I can chat with at once?

    There is no limit to the number of Chaties you can chat with on the app at once.

  • What is Chatie Pro ?

    Chatie Pro is a premium plan that gives you access to more features and benefits when using Chatie. With Chatie Pro, you can enjoy: Unlimited Chat: You can chat with as many characters as you want without limits or ads. Premium Support: You can get priority support and feedback from our team and community. You can also request new features and suggest improvements for the app. Access to Exclusive Pro Chaties: You can access exclusive Pro chaties that are more realistic and fun than the regular ones. These chaties are only available for Chatie Pro users and are updated regularly.

  • How do I upgrade to Chatie Pro?

    You can upgrade to Chatie Pro by tapping on the “Pro” icon on the app. You must create an account or log in with your existing one. You can choose to pay with different payment options.

  • How do I cancel my Chatie Pro Subscription?

    You can cancel your Chatie Pro Subscription anytime from your Google account “Manage Subscription” settings. You will still be able to access all the features and benefits until the end of your current billing cycle.

  • Is Chatie available on all devices?

    Yes, Chatie is available on all devices that have an internet connection, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. All you need is a web browser to access Chatie.

  • Can I suggest a new Chatie for Chatie?

    Absolutely! We are always looking for new and exciting Chaties to add to our platform. You can submit your suggestions on our website or contact us directly to share your ideas.

  • Is my personal information safe on Chatie?

    Yes, we take user privacy and data protection seriously at Chatie. We use industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information, and we never share or sell user data to third parties.

  • How can I provide feedback or report a problem with Chatie?

    We welcome feedback and are always striving to improve the Chatie experience for our users. You can contact us through our website to report any issues or provide feedback on your experience with Chatie.

  • What types of Chaties are available on the Chatie app?

    The Chaties on the Chatie app include actors, singers, comedians, and other famous figures from around the world.

  • Can I suggest a new Chatie to be added to the app?

    Yes, you can suggest a new Chatie by contacting our customer support team and providing details about the figure you would like to see added to the app.

  • How can I report inappropriate behavior or content from a Chatie?

    If you encounter any inappropriate behavior or content from a Chatie, you can report it to our customer support team and we will investigate and take appropriate action.

  • Can I save or share my conversations with Chaties?

    No, conversations with Chaties are not currently able to be saved or shared.

  • What measures does Chatie take to protect users' privacy and security?

    Chatie takes privacy and security very seriously and implements measures such as encryption and strict data protection policies to ensure user information is kept safe.

  • Can I use Chatie for business or promotional purposes?

    Chatie is intended for personal entertainment purposes only and should not be used for business or promotional purposes.

  • How frequently are new Chaties added to the app?

    New Chaties are added to the app regularly, with a goal of providing a diverse and constantly expanding range of famous figures to chat with.

  • Can I request a specific Chatie for a personalized conversation?

    While we cannot guarantee specific Chaties for personalized conversations, we do take user feedback into consideration when selecting new figures to add to the app.

  • How does Chatie work?

    Chatie uses GPT technology to create personalized conversations with users based on their interests and preferences. Users can select a Chatie from a list of available characters and start chatting instantly. The more you chat with a Chatie, the more it learns about you and your preferences, resulting in even more engaging conversations.

  • How many Chaties are available on Chatie?

    Chatie has a large and growing number of Chaties from all over the world. We hand-pick our Chaties to ensure the best possible experience for our users. You can browse our list of available Chaties and choose the ones that interest you the most.

  • Can I chat with multiple Chaties at the same time?

    Yes! You can chat with as many Chaties as you like at the same time. Simply open a new chat with a different Chatie and start chatting.

  • What is the best way to contact your team if I cannot find answers to my questions or need support?

    If you are unable to find the answers to your questions, please feel free to reach out to our team. You can connect with us by sending an email to Our dedicated support team will review your inquiry and provide you with a response as soon as possible. We strive to assist our users promptly and ensure that all queries are addressed efficiently.

  • How can I request my account deletion?

    For Android and IOS Applications, Please follow the below steps: 1. Open the app and navigate to the Profile section. 2. Locate and click on the Setting icon next to your Email. It will open a screen to account settings. 3. At the bottom of the screen, you'll find a account Setting Dropdown with option to delete your account. Data Types that are Deleted - Email, Subscription Plan and Chats Data Types That are Kept/Retained - None